Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Deconstructed Books (student work)

My students were tasked with the challenge of deconstructing a book for this assignment.  After altering every page in some way, they were told to take their sculptural form and elaborate on the project by adding an additional element.  Students found many sources of inspiration and created very beautiful art pieces.  I am so proud of them!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Life's a Deal

I borrowed this wonderful lesson from Olivia Gude's Spiral Curriculum.  We started with a discussion about how much of our life is determined by chance and how much is determined by choice.  The students collaged from magazines and then passed cards after a period of time.  After two days of collaging, I laid out the cards and drew names for students to choose their backgrounds.  I then dealt the playing cards and asked students to incorporate the suit and number into their designs.  The students drew on their cards with oil pastels and blended them with baby oil.  They turned out really cool!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

8th Grade Masks

The ultimate goal of this project was for my students to visually represent who they are on the inside as they design and create their masks.  It's a very challenging task, and I encouraged my students to have conversations their closest friends and family to help them think through that version of themselves they only reveal to a select few.  They did an amazing job!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

8th Grade Art Journals

I started the semester with an art journaling project.  I thought that this would be a great way to expose my students to a wide variety of processes and mediums.  You can see my original post that lays out the different prompts for different pages their journals in an earlier post.  

My students constantly blow me away with their creativity and artistic talent.  Here's a little taste of my student's art journals.